Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Motherfucking Damsel in Distress

It is the LAMEST cliche, this stupid fucking damsel in distress bullshit that turns highly educated women and strong willed, fiercely independent females into  cowering, doe-eyed, malleable little pussies. 

You "rescue" a bitch ONE goddamn time and - BAM! Hooked for life. It's true. It's a fact. For some odd reason (scientists cannot discover WHY) women are unable to look past the innate, instinctually unconscious notion that once a man rescues you from a situation from which you cannot "escape" on your own - he will thus forever rescue you from EVERY unpleasant station in life. And that is just the way it will stay. The eyes can never be dimmed once seen in this significant light. 

For a man to become our story book "Prince" he must first rescue the Damsel, and thus will forever be a Prince. This act of bestowing such resilient significance onto one person  is really a reflex of the senses  - a chapter 2 to the story that usually ends sadly.  

Don't get trapped ladies. Don't get lassoed in by that ONE time he is there for you when you need him to be - just remember those nights when he wasn't. Give him a gracious 'Thank you' and maybe even a quick yank, but that's it, girls. No more. No more life long passes because of that ONE time at Band Camp . . .